Singing Guide: Paul Cardall

Singing Guide: Paul Cardall

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Paul Cardall is an accomplished pianist and composer who has created a unique sound in the New Age genre, blending classical and contemporary styles. His skillful piano playing is accompanied by poignant, uplifting melodies that evoke feelings of hope and peace. Many of his songs incorporate lush orchestral arrangements and choir vocals. He has recorded over 20 albums, and his music has been featured in films, television, and radio.

If you aspire to sing like Paul Cardall, start by developing good vocal habits through thoughtful breathing and posture. Singing with proper breath control is crucial in every style, and especially for sustaining notes in Paul's music. Check out Singing Carrots' articles on breath support and posture for detailed guidance.

One of the defining qualities of Paul's music is its emotional depth and expressiveness. To achieve this, focus on singing with feeling and intention. Experiment with different dynamics, tempos, and phrasing to convey the emotional message of each song. Enhance your emotional control through relaxing breath exercises and mindfulness techniques.

Paul's music often incorporates a lush, cinematic sound, so it is important to pay attention to your voice's resonance and timbre. For tips on improving your voice's resonance, check out Singing Carrots' article on resonance in singing. Also, consider taking Singing Carrots' singing course to learn more about vocal technique and healthy practices.

To further develop your skills, Singing Carrots offers many exercises that will help you hone your voice. These exercises include:

Once you feel confident in your vocal skills, choose a few of Paul Cardall's songs to practice. Some of his most popular include "Gracie's Theme," "New Life," and "Sweet Escape." Take advantage of resources like Singing Carrots' search tool to help you find songs that match your vocal range and style preference.

Remember: developing your singing voice takes consistent practice, patience, and dedication. But by following these tips and utilizing Singing Carrots' resources, you can learn to sing beautifully and expressively, just like Paul Cardall.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.